
american federal court

How Serious Are Federal Criminal Charges? Understanding the Consequences and Legal Process

Federal criminal charges are among the most serious legal issues a person can face in the United States. When someone is charged with a federal crime, they're entering a different legal system than state courts, with its own rules, procedures, and often harsher penalties. More than 90% of individuals prosecuted in federal court are convicted, making proper legal representation essential if you're facing these charges.

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marijuana leaves arizona

What are the top 3 white collar crimes? Uncovering major financial offenses

White-collar crimes often go unnoticed but can cause huge financial damage. These non-violent offenses involve deceit, lies, and misuse of trust for personal or company gain. The top 3 white-collar crimes are securities fraud, corporate fraud, and money laundering.

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marijuana leaves arizona

Everything You Need to Know About Expunging A Marijuana-Related Conviction In Arizona

Thanks to Proposition 207, which Arizona voters approved last year, hundreds of thousands of people qualified to seal their criminal records of marijuana-related convictions can now do so.

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Wiretapping in Arizona: What Information Police Can Use and How to Protect Yourself

The act of wiretapping can be defined in a number of different ways but, at its core, is the act of listening in on and/or recording a private conversation without a court order, search warrant, or the consent of at least one party involved in the exchange. What legally constitutes wiretapping can vary from state to state throughout the U.S., though it is considered a federal offense, and therefore, falls under the regulation of federal laws and mandates.

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marijuana in arizona prop 207

Expunging Marijuana Convictions in Arizona – Do You Qualify?

Historically, Arizona state laws have not allowed citizens to expunge their records. (Expungement is the act of completely erasing or concealing an individual’s record.) Instead, Arizona citizens could request their convictions be “set aside.” When compared to an expungement, a set aside simply denotes that an individual has completed (paid) all aspects of their sentence – jail time, fines, community service, etc.

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charged with a crime

Can You Be Charged for the Same Crime in Arizona State Court and Federal Court?

Typically, if you are charged with a crime, you will either be charged in state court or federal court. However, in some circumstances, the offense you committed is considered a crime under both state and federal law. In these cases, based on the Supreme Court’s interpretation of the U.S. Constitution, you can be charged for the same crime in both Arizona state court and federal court.

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Criminal Defense Lawyers

Why Do I Need a Top Criminal Defense Lawyer in Phoenix?

If you've been arrested for a criminal offense in Phoenix, Arizona, you need a top criminal defense lawyer on your case if you want to obtain the best possible outcome. Here are 7 compelling reasons you should hire a Phoenix criminal defense lawyer.

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marijuana leaves arizona

The Legalization of Recreational Marijuana in Arizona and the Law

At the time of writing this article, only about 92% of the votes in Arizona have been fully counted, but it’s pretty safe to say that Arizona’s Proposition 207, legalizing recreational marijuana, has passed with nearly 60% of the vote.

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plea bargain lawyer arizona

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Plea Bargaining in Arizona.

If you’ve been charged with a crime and the prosecutor offered you a plea bargain, you may be wondering if you should accept it. In making this decision, you should consider the advantages and disadvantages of plea bargaining in Arizona.

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forgery in arizona

What Are The Penalties for Forgery in Arizona?

Forgery in Arizona is a serious felony that could carry a prison sentence of up to 8.75 years. If you’ve been charged with forgery, you need to understand the serious consequences you could be facing.

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How to Pick the Right Criminal Defense Attorney for You.

Being charged with a criminal violation is a serious matter that can cause feelings of fear, anxiety, doubt, and concern. However, one conversation with the right defense attorney can help to ease any worry and help you on the path to fight the charges against you. There are many important characteristics and details you should be aware of when choosing a criminal defense attorney, but first, it is important to understand the legal system and the role of the defense attorney throughout the process.

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Tax Evasion In Arizona During Covid-19 Quarantine

Benjamin Franklin once said, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” No person can avoid this certainty. Arizonans, like all other states citizens, pay taxes. The U.S. tax system functions using a voluntary compliance system. This means it is up to the person to report their income and any tax related expense. By leaving the reporting to the people, the government is trusting that people will accurately file their taxes. However, many do not.

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Mistakes to Avoid if You Are Ever Arrested

How Will Coronavirus Impact Arizona Courts?

The simple reality is, nobody knows. Because this pandemic is new for everyone, it is impossible to accurately predict what tomorrow has in store, let alone how life will look post-coronavirus. State judiciary and law enforcement have had to continuously react in real time. This has resulted in law practices continuously changing and put many people’s cases in an everlasting flux. While making future predictions is impracticable, we have some idea on how the coronavirus pandemic could affect your case.

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Identity Theft in Arizona

Identity theft occurs when someone steals your personal information to commit fraud. A common example of identity theft occurs when a person uses another person’s Social Security number to falsely file tax returns with the IRS or the state.

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Drug Crimes